On Thu, Apr 06, 2006, Jari Tenhunen wrote:
> 'hciconfig hci0 down; hciconfig hci0 up' failed for me too, i.e. it
> didn't revive the BT. So that trick isn't excactly the same as putting
> the cover on or switching to offline mode.

Well, that should be exactly what happens when you put the cover on,
with the possible exception that btcond will also try to disconnect any
open connetions. So you may also want to try
hcitool dc <remote bt address>
before running the hcitool hci0 down command. Also make sure that you
are root when running the commands.

> Johan, do you have any idea on what is causing the BT jam in these
> cases?

Unfortunately not, but it sounds like a quite low level problem (maybe
in the BT chip firmware). However, we're investigating it.

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