2006/5/31, David D. Hagood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Koen Kooi wrote:

> Ehm..... Shouldn't e-mails containing crap^H^H^H^Hstuff like this be
> discarded? With stuff like gmane, google-groups and list archives
> maemo/nokia is in for a world of hurt, legally speaking.
> regards,
> Koen
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)
> iD8DBQFEfX01MkyGM64RGpERAia+AKCCufGm5KmaP+Bck98/ln4mGx1lUACeLgB6
> 2pLCcNmXxeFKKxAmsJsG3Ac=
> =bXC1
> ___

One could equally gripe about your PGP signature - is a trivial mail
like this really deserving of being cryptographically signed?

No no, PGP signature is proof of origin, but legal mambo-jambo and
threats are there just to whack mis-users of confidential information
(which is of course ridiculous when sent to a public mailing list).

BIG difference.

Kalle Vahlman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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