Stellars Henson wrote:

hi, i've been doing the same. my method is a bit simpler: after providing my
nokia with most wanted/recent/favourite applications and utilities 1. i just make
# tar -cpf /media/mmc1/backup.tar bin boot dev etc home lib root sbin usr var

Alternative is to have dropbear and rsync installed on n770. Then you can just execute on desktop linux following commands (done as root, with rootfs directory created and n770 dns alias):

# rsync -e ssh -avHx --delete n770:/ rootfs/
# mkfs.jffs2 -r rootfs -o rootfs.temp -e 128 -l -n
# sumtool -i rootfs.temp -o rootfs.jffs2 -e 128KiB -l -n
# rm rootfs.temp

With quick network this can be faster than writing to mmc and can be also synchronised very quickly later when you do some small change.


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