Nice??? I would never criticize someone that I don´t know... I am just telling 
some truths that others should know.
I am pissed off with Nokia 770...Hildon is pure trash, that´s it... I see 
everyday in the list, only more bugs and flaws... Don´t you agree?
Where are Hildon developers? Where are the sources? If the list is mainly for 
Nokia employees, sorry to say the truth: the work of support and develop OS2006 
is incompetent. How they expect us to port apps with such lack of support and 
no system source codes?

If someone hack and build another option than OS2006 I would migrate 
immediatelly! Even if for pure console apps...

I am unhappy owner of a nokia 770... Just that, no concerns about anyone in the 
list or community...
It´s a great hardware concept with a poor software development and policies, if 
someone of Nokia feel offended, no problems, every day I feel offended when I 
remember why I acquired Nokia 770...
And I never got a reply too...

And my attitude is important! As consumer is my duty to advise other possible 
consumers of what nokia 770 really is and what kind of problems exists. As 
consumer I am (I'll gently correct you) DEEPLY frustrate and angry, things 
costs money and I wasted mine, and worst, wasted time trying to port my apps... 
I work and I don´t have 18 hours per day to figure out why the Nokia API 
sucks... That´s not supposed to be GTK compatible? Release the sources is the 
natural way to evolve Maemo... Keep then and good luck for Nokia, I won´t use 
and won´t recommend...

Now I understand Linux purists, they are right, it´s just terrible when you 
don´t have control... 

-----Original Message-----
From: Shae Matijs Erisson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: segunda-feira, 28 de agosto de 2006 16:44
To: Alessandro Ikeuchi
Subject: Re: Nokia 770 sources...

"Alessandro Ikeuchi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Alessandro - unhappy owner of a nokia 770 since June/2006

Dude, be nice. 

The attitude you show in this post would not benefit any community.

It sounds like you're angry and frustrated about something and just dumping 
that into the mailing list. If you attack someone, they will defend. This is 
not the way to get answers or make friends.
I've tried to teach people autodidactism,                |
but it seems they always have to learn it for themselves.| Shae Matijs Erisson

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