"ext Eero Tamminen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I know that the repositories are the preferred method for
> installing packages, but after installing yesterday >20
> (Hatari) packages "From file..." several times in succession
> (to test the packages I created), I started to wish for
> following features:

Hmm, did you want to test the package itself, or how the AM deal with

If you just want to test the package, I would recommend getting a
shell and just using dpkg.  You can install multiple packages with one
invocation of dpkg, for example.

> - Application installer remembering from which directory
>   the last file was selected and opening the filesel
>   to the same dir next time (can be forgotten at
>   application exit)

Yep, that should be fixed.

> - After installing one file, application installer asking
>   with a dialog either:
>   - "Install another package from file? [OK] [Cancel]"
>     (so that I don't need to use the menus each time as that's
>      3 clicks of differents keys instead of 1 additional select
>      click), or

No, I think that would be too intrusive for the normal use case.  We
could add this feature for red-pill mode, tho.  Patches welcome! :)

>   - "Add this directory as a package repository? [OK] [Cancel]"
>     (so that if I use the same MMC directory for transferring
>      more packages, I don't need to anymore use the fsel)

That would be the proposed "dir://" method for apt: it would create
the needed Packages file on the fly.

> Btw. I also tried adding "file:///media/mmc1/atari" as a repository
> (+ disabling the other tableteer repo), but when I refreshed
> the package list, Application installer disappeared.

Whoops.  Please file a bug about this.
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