Kimmo Hämäläinen a écrit :
On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 23:17, ext Frantisek Dufka wrote:
So it really seems related to wi-fi.

Thank you for the information, I'm trying to keep the internal
investigation on-going (and not just assuming that HW is broken). These
kind of hints should help to nail it down.

BR, Kimmo

Hum ... this time I spent much more time on this and i have done a lot of tests.
I try to use a scientifical approach so that I could say "yes the problem happen 5/100 if condition x ..."
The results "for my device" are that the problem seem not to be related to
- empty battery
- wifi
- temperature
- high power requirements
- bad memory region
or any combination of these parameters.

You can have the illusion that there is a correlation with that or that but no, the stats say that it's just a coincidence.

I have notice that when memtester find a bad address line then the probability to find other bad address in the same run is very high.

So after all that I REALLY don't know what the problem is :-(
Need somme new ideas ... or an oscilloscope ... to go deeper.

Olivier ROLAND
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