Antonio Orlando wrote:
I think that using tar to back up and restore applications installed
with apt/dpkg would be a Bad Idea.

Can I ask why? I have not enough Linux knowledge to answer this (stupid?) question myself.

dpkg packages has postinst and prerm scripts that get executed while installing/removing package. It it hard to guess what they do (and modify) so you may not know what exactly to backup and may loose some effects of those scripts when restoring just the files from packages. But generally it may work in 99% of cases so it is not completely wrong. But there is a better solution, see below.

I've also tarred all my linux installation (excluding some stuff) hoping it could be used as a backup [1], has it been a Bad Idea?

That's not same as above. tarring whole disk will work. Backing up only rendom selected part not.

It should be pretty easy to get a list of installed packages from apt
(or the application installer) before the flash, and then reinstall them
in one swoop with apt-get install.  I plan to figure this out over the

Le me know on the list if you succeed, please.

Best would be to use dpkg-repack [1] script which rebuilds packages from installed system (including modified config files) so you can reinstall them later. I'm not sure whether in can be made to run on N770, it may have nasty dependencies on advanced debian stuff.


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