
> [Desktop Entry] 
> Encoding=UTF-8 
> Version=1.0 
> Type=Application 
> Name=RevSH Tunnel
> Exec=/usr/bin/revsh-tunnel-gui
> Terminal=false
> X-Osso-Service=invalid.too.revsh_tunnel_gui
> X-Osso-Type=application/x-executable
> X-HildonDesk-ShowInToolbar=true
> Icon=qgn_list_btno_gen_computer

If you don't ask your program to be started with D-BUS
i.e. remove the X-Osso-Service line, does it start?

(One of the benefits of D-BUS is that other programs don't
need to know whether your app is running, they can just
send messages to it with D-BUS auto-invocation flag and
D-BUS takes care that only one instance of your application
is running.)

      - Eero
maemo-developers mailing list

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