
A bit over 4 months ago the Maemo project released Sardine, a fresh and tasty bleeding edge distribution of the Hildon Application Framework for the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet. Sardine contains the latest versions of HAF components and some key dependencies.

Have you wanted to get a taste of the new features and APIs but had no appetite for the bleeding edge? Herring, the stabilization distro for Sardine is just what you need and it's out.

Like Sardine, Herring is meant for application developers, hackers and tinkerers, not for end-users.

To taste it, follow the step by step instructions in http://maemo.org/maemowiki/SardineGettingStarted replacing 'sardine' with 'herring' in the 'sources.list' file.

So what about it?

Sardine will always contain the latest component versions.
However, in order to make releases it is necessary to feature freeze the software and concentrate on polishing, bug-fixing and otherwise stabilizing the code. Doing this without stopping forward development requires branching off the code. This is done in the revision control system, component by component as it becomes necessary. When components start branching in the revision control system the Sardine branches as well: a separate stabilization distro is created.

The current Hildon Application Framework stabilization distro is Herring.

How stable is Herring ?

Herring is not finished in the sense of being production ready but it has been feature frozen. It is being polished and bug-fixed and is already quite stable. Further updates will continue to come to the repository.
Maintenance will also happen there.

Start making your application ready for the next Maemo.

The Hildon Application Framework that is being polished in Herring will be used in the next major 3.0 release of Maemo which will be called Bora. By porting your application to Herring and testing it in the Herring environment you can cover a lot the ground to port it to Bora. The updates in Sardine and Herring do not cover the complete Maemo scope but they do cover a lot of the API surface: the Hildon Application Framework, the Bluetooth stack and Python as well as X Window.
So most applications can get quite close to being ready for Bora.

Best regards,

maemo-developers mailing list

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