
I have updated bootmenu initfs flasher. This version comes with slightly newer bootmenu version from garage svn and has experimental support for n800 device. It still works on N770 of course. For N800 only newer 2006-51 firmware (the downloadable one) is supported.

As I don't have N800 it is just blind test. Many things can go wrong so please try it only if you don't mind and know how to recover. It has some chance to actually work but who knows :)

Recovery is easy, either backup initfs.orig.jffs created by the script or extract original initfs from FIASCO image and flash from PC over USB. No data should be lost.

New features:

- uses optional bootmenu.conf for easier and safer customization, see included example
- new 'off' item for turning device off, doesn't work when on charger

download URL http://fanoush.wz.cz/maemo/initfs_flasher.tgz

I am very interested how it goes on N800 so please report. Thank you :-)

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