On 1/29/07, Kemal Hadimli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There are a lot of userspace utilities or system libraries that work
on maemo without requiring any special/custom "porting", and are just
direct scratchbox compiles of debian packages. These libraries/utils
are currently distributed across custom repositories. Moving these
over to the maemo garage would result in countless project entries
which are rarely updated.


The idea is to create an "umbrella project" and add maintainers of
various packages as developers to this project, so they can publish
files. They will all have garage repository access and will maintain
directly-ported packages like simple command line utils, small
libraries, etc. The aim is to make these packages accessible in a
single repository. (which is the maemo extras repo)

A fantastic idea. One so fantastic it proves "great minds think alike"[1]:


So, comments? Do you have a few utils/libraries compiled for maemo in
your personal homepage/repository? Would you be interested in
maintaining some of these packages in this umbrella project? What do
you think?

That's exactly the workflow I've got in mind for MUD:


Any comments or questions would be very much appreciated either here,
or on the mailing list. We're almost ready to start releasing the debs
upstream to the extras repository, but for some reason I can't upload
my GPG key to Garage (it claims it as invalid), and I've not heard
back from Ferenc (or anyone else) as to how to fix it.



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