Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Search Maemo Bugzilla, there's some env variable which controls what
> directories it searches.

Maybe automatic media scanning is not such great idea after all? Do you plan to have this optional and perhaps have some explicit method of invoking it preferably even on specific directory? Most often I know what exactly changed on my card and would pick specific directory for refresh.

I think lowering metalayer-crawler priority is not a solution to the problem. Still you get flushed most of useful data from RAM just because you insert card (mostly with no change) and it takes some time anyway so when inserting the card and trying to play something immediatelly, you must wait. Also it seems to do lot of diskwrites. When rootfs is on mmc I can see frantic activity of mmcqd kernel deamon (doing writes?) for couple of minutes when booting or inserting the card (2 GB of mp3 files).

> Without crawler you wouldn't see anything in
> the media player.

Yes, another bug :-) Would be nice to have this marvellous metadata idea optional. I keep my files structured and mostly I just want to play specific directory recursively (even with more levels). This simple (and maybe often used) use case seems to be not supported very well in current media player. The only way I found is to open one directory in filemanager and mark all files and select open.

I will try to search bugzilla and add this opinion somewhere when it is up again but I guess this could be first discussed here too since maybe the whole idea need some thoughts?

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