Dave Neuer wrote:

I am talking about the open source code they used in the product and
their modifications to it which they are LEGALLY obligated to provide,
just all gathered up in one repo.

Umm, that's already available but it doesn't solve problems with closed stuff. And we won't get the rest in reasonable time if I understood Quim correctly.

It'd only be old and dead to the extent that
existing n770 owners who are also developers don't have any interest
in maintaining it.

I guess some/most those users which are also developers will check out OS2007 'hacker edition' and find this is the better one worth of interest and maintaining.

I never had any interest in running Opera on the
device, or any other proprietary component, so there is at least one.
And I suspect I'm not the only one.

This means you are already no help to many end users who *do* have interest in having closed components running.

do we have all of the source for that gathered in one

Yes, search the list for the links. It is either big tar.gz on maemo site or extracted source on other sites. Similar archive is both for OS2006 and 2007.

Nokia has indicated that this is "unsupported" by them, so
even if the community tried to support the open bits, it'd be less
supported than an initially-incomplete, _all_ open source community
edition based on what they are already legally obligated to provide!

My understanding is that currently "unsupported" means that they don't want end-users to phone Nokia support with problems with OS2007. It also means they can stop updating the http://os2007on770.garage.maemo.org/ project anytime.

Again, this 2006 release would not be unsupported, it would be

Still it would be different to current OS2006 to the point it will not help much to big part of current end-users.
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