Guard][an wrote:
> there are bus and memory bandwidth considerations 
> that somehow make the use of the 3d chipset useless on the current hardware
> can someone confirm this ?

Well the problem is in pushing full frames from internal framebuffer in 
SRAM to external memory on video chip. This means you won't have best 
framerate when doing fullscreen updates in 800x480. But with scaled down 
output it shouldn't be so bad. Also this limitation is not related to 
suggested usage. It would be nice to have e.g. translucent virtual 
keyboard overlaying original window instead of shrinking it. It is 
perhaps not useful everytimes but there are usecases where constantly 
resizing main window on each text entry is annoying, hurts performance 
or is even not possible (like fullscreen SDL game).

So the quick answer is - no it is not useless.
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