Hello all.

My apologies this is going to be a long one...

All the code mentioned in this email can be found under this directory:

After reading the patent I wrote a piece of code to test whether Jazelle works,
as Scott Bambrough suggested. The patent indicated that R14 should hold the
address of the Java bytecodes while R12 might possibly hold the address of a
handler. The code I wrote performs BXJ R12 (with R12 pointing to the handler and
R14 pointing to the Java code). In the handler I was trying to get the current
bytecode value printed out by calling printf inside assembler.

Here's the code:
(http://people.bath.ac.uk/enpsgp/nokia770/jazelle/test_jazelle9.c), I can't seem
to get printf to work in this code, even though it quite happily works in
another piece of test code
(http://people.bath.ac.uk/enpsgp/nokia770/jazelle/test_printf2.c). I've no idea
what's causing the difference, can anyone see something I've missed? I should
note that there is an error in the test_jazelle9.c code which means it won't
work correctly after the printf anyway. Branching away to this function alters
the value of R14 (which should contain the address of the Java bytecode). This
can be easily fixed by saving R14 to another unused register or memory location
over the call.

So I then removed all of the printf business and started using gdb to step
through the code and look at the registers as the code progresses. The idea is
that within the handler the value in R14 should change and the bytecodes are
handled, and if some known bytecodes are encountered, the value of R14 should
jump by more than sizeof(java bytecode).

This code is here:

I've stepped through this code with gdb and the bad news is that the handler is
called all the time (even for the instructions that should be handleable).
Results below:

Java code address=67240

I added a breakpoint just after the start of the handler code. Most of the
registers are uninteresting as they do not change at all except for R1 into
which we store the bytecode value (but the previous value as this instruction
hasn't had a chance to run yet - poor choice on my part) and LR (R14) which
contains the pointer to the current bytecode.

This is the first run through the handler, that's why R1 doesn't contain a
bytecode value

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0x40008000       1073774592
lr             0x106a8  67240

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0xcc     204
lr             0x106ac  67244

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0xcd     205
lr             0x106b0  67248

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0xce     206
lr             0x106b4  67252

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0xcf     207
lr             0x106b8  67256

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0x10     16
lr             0x106bc  67260

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0x0      0
lr             0x106c0  67264

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0x0      0
lr             0x106c4  67268

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0x0      0
lr             0x106c8  67272

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0x2a     42
lr             0x106cc  67276

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0x3b     59
lr             0x106d0  67280

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0x1a     26
lr             0x106d4  67284

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0xd0     208
lr             0x106d8  67288

1: x/i $pc  0x8444 <main+148>:  ldr     r1, [lr]
(gdb) info registers
r1             0xd1     209
lr             0x106dc  67292

Program exited normally.

So, the thing to see from these results are that even the bytecodes that we'd
expect to be handled were not, control was always passed straight to the
handler. This raises a couple of questions. Are the register choices correct for
passing the handler and Java bytecode addresses? Does Java need to be enabled
somehow before the Jazelle hardware starts working (i.e. is this BXJ currently
working as a simple B instruction)? Another possibility is whether I need to use
a byte array rather than an int array for the bytecodes?

Staying with R12 and R14 in the hope that the patent almost gave us the correct
information, I wrote and tested some other pieces of code:

(test_jazelle10.c - use int array for bytecodes, R12=handler address,
R14=bytecode address), call BXJ R12

test_jazelle10b.c - use char array for bytecodes, R12=handler address,
R14=bytecode address, call BXJ R12

test_jazelle10c.c - use int array for bytecodes, R14=handler address,
R12=bytecode address, call BXJ R14

test_jazelle10d.c - use byte array for bytecodes, R12=handler address,
R14=bytecode address, call BXJ R14

test_jazelle10e.c - use int array for bytecodes, R14=handler address,
R12=bytecode address, call BXJ R12

test_jazelle10f.c - use byte array for bytecodes, R12=handler address,
R14=bytecode address, call BXJ R12

test_jazelle10g.c - use int array for bytecodes, R12=handler address,
R14=bytecode address, call BXJ R14

test_jazelle10h.c - use byte array for bytecodes, R12=handler address,
R14=bytecode address, call BXJ R14

This should cover all the possibilities with these two registers, with the
following results:

B & C & D Same result as test_jazelle10, stepped through bytecodes always
calling the handler.

E & F & G & H Segfaults

So calling the Java bytecode as the argument to BXJ (whichever register) causes
a segfault, while calling BXJ with the handler address in whichever register as
the argument to BXJ seems to just branch to the handler.

So, I'm still wondering about whether Jazelle needs to be enabled, but I also
assume that the patent was probably fibbing about the registers (which would not
be surprising as these may have been arbitrary register names).

Then I moved onto variations of Sebastian's code to see whether I could
investigate the segfaults and see whether these are caused by jumping to
bytecodes and trying to interpret them as ARM code, or the Jazelle hardware
faulting once it reaches the end/and unhandled bytecode.



char[] for Java bytecodes (I thought I'd give it a try)
All registers are set to 0 (R1-R14), other than R0 with address of Java bytecode
array. I've done this to avoid branching somewhere else if a handler address is
stored in a register, etc.

codepos is beccf6b0

1: x/i $pc  0x8418 <main+104>:  bxj     r0
(gdb) info registers
r0             0xbeccf6b0       -1093863760
r1             0x0      0
r2             0x0      0
r3             0x0      0
r4             0x0      0
r5             0x0      0
r6             0x0      0
r7             0x0      0
r8             0x0      0
r9             0x0      0
r10            0x0      0
r11            0x0      0
r12            0x0      0
sp             0x0      0
lr             0x0      0
pc             0x8418   33816
fps            0x1001000        16781312
cpsr           0x60000010       1610612752

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xbeccf7d0 in ?? ()
Disabling display 1 to avoid infinite recursion.
1: x/i $pc  Cannot access memory at address 0x0
0xbeccf7d0:     ldreqd  r0, [r0], -r7
(gdb) info registers
r0             0x0      0
r1             0x0      0
r2             0x0      0
r3             0x0      0
r4             0x0      0
r5             0x0      0
r6             0x0      0
r7             0x0      0
r8             0x0      0
r9             0x0      0
r10            0x0      0
r11            0x0      0
r12            0x0      0
sp             0x0      0
lr             0x0      0
pc             0xbeccf7d0       -1093863472
fps            0x1001000        16781312
cpsr           0x60000010       1610612752

R0 has been changed to 0 and the PC register naturally changes showing that
we've ended up somewhere other than where we started.

Code position=0xbeccf7d0 -> 0xbeccf7d0-0xbeccf6b0 = 288 bytes = 72 ints. So
we've managed to move along 288 bytes, which is far longer than the bytecode
array (13 chars).

Therefore, why do we end up at this address? Has the bytecode interpreter run
out the end of the bytecode array and been interpreting random data as valid
bytecodes? Or was a handler invoked (though we cleared the registers - so if it
did take a register address for the handler, we might branch to the ARM
exception vector location...)? Or perhaps Java mode was never entered and we've
been interpreting random bits as valid ARM instructions?

We could perform a memory dump and look for the ldreqd instruction that seems to
have caused the segfault? Then work back and see where the code started
executing that met this instruction (it may just be a random selection of bits
that looks like an instruction).


The form is "Load and Store Word or Unsigned Byte - Register post-indexed"

31-28  = cond. EQ = 0000
27 = 0
26 = 0
25 = 0
24 = P = 0 for post-indexed addressing
23 = U. For subtract Rm U=0, for add Rm U=1
22 = I = 0 for Register offset/index
21 = W =0 (if p==0)
20 = 0 
19-16 =Rn 
15-12 = Rd
11-8 = addr mode = SBZ = all 0s
7 = 1
6 = S = 1 (signed)
5 = H = 0 (byte access)
4 = 1
3-0 = Rm. R7 = 111

So there's what I need to look for.

So, we could try setting all the registers to the address of some handler code
and see what happens. First let's alter the memory layout to see if we get a
different error at a different location. 

But before that, let's try using an int array for the bytecodes:


This is the same as jalimo1, but using an int array for the bytecodes rather
than a char array:

All registers are set to 0 (R1-R14), other than R0 with address of Java bytecode

codepos is bee4f688

1: x/i $pc  0x8404 <main+132>:  bxj     r0
(gdb) info registers
r0             0xbee4f688       -1092290936
r1             0x0      0
r2             0x0      0
r3             0x0      0
r4             0x0      0
r5             0x0      0
r6             0x0      0
r7             0x0      0
r8             0x0      0
r9             0x0      0
r10            0x0      0
r11            0x0      0
r12            0x0      0
sp             0x0      0
lr             0x0      0
pc             0x8404   33796
fps            0x1001000        16781312
cpsr           0x60000010       1610612752

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xbee4f6a4 in ?? ()
Disabling display 1 to avoid infinite recursion.
1: x/i $pc  Cannot access memory at address 0x0
0xbee4f6a4:     streqh  r0, [r0], -r1
(gdb) info registers
r0             0x0      0
r1             0x0      0
r2             0x0      0
r3             0x0      0
r4             0x0      0
r5             0x0      0
r6             0x0      0
r7             0x0      0
r8             0x0      0
r9             0x0      0
r10            0x0      0
r11            0x0      0
r12            0x0      0
sp             0x0      0
lr             0x0      0
pc             0xbee4f6a4       -1092290908
fps            0x1001000        16781312
cpsr           0x60000010       1610612752

Different instruction faulting this time...
PC moved = 0xbee4f6a4-0xbee4f688 = 28 bytes = 7 ints. Interesting, this has
changed things... remember there are 13 bytecodes in the array.

This looks more like it's actually running some Java code. We've got a different
instruction 'causing' the segfault (I say 'causing' as it may be that we've
branched to the ARM exception vector and this has misinterpreted the bytecode
instruction that we came from as being an ARM instruction and having caused a

So going back to the theory above, change the memory layout (by adding bytecodes
to the array) and see whether we get a different instruction causing the
segfault, or perhaps we'll progress further through the bytecodes (the extra
bytecodes should all be unhandleable so we shouldn't actually go any further if
the bytecodes are actually being interpreted).


In this code we use an int array for the bytecodes, and pad the bytecode array
with unhandleable bytecodes (0xCC to 0xFF).

codepos is be9485c0

1: x/i $pc  0x8418 <main+104>:  bxj     r0
(gdb) info registers
r0             0xbe9485c0       -1097562688
r1             0x0      0
r2             0x0      0
r3             0x0      0
r4             0x0      0
r5             0x0      0
r6             0x0      0
r7             0x0      0
r8             0x0      0
r9             0x0      0
r10            0x0      0
r11            0x0      0
r12            0x0      0
sp             0x0      0
lr             0x0      0
pc             0x8418   33816
fps            0x1001000        16781312
cpsr           0x60000010       1610612752

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xbe9485ec in ?? ()
Disabling display 1 to avoid infinite recursion.
1: x/i $pc  Cannot access memory at address 0x0
0xbe9485ec:     ldreqd  r0, [r0], -r0

(gdb) info registers
r0             0x0      0
r1             0x0      0
r2             0x0      0
r3             0x0      0
r4             0x0      0
r5             0x0      0
r6             0x0      0
r7             0x0      0
r8             0x0      0
r9             0x0      0
r10            0x0      0
r11            0x0      0
r12            0x0      0
sp             0x0      0
lr             0x0      0
pc             0xbe9485ec       -1097562644
fps            0x1001000        16781312
cpsr           0x60000010       1610612752

PC moved = 0xbe9485ec-0xbe9485c0 = 44 bytes = 11 ints.

Not sure we've learned anything here other than the fact that we've (possibly)
moved further into the bytecode array. In jalimo2.c we segfaulted at
&bytecodearray+7 which would be 0xB1, the return instruction. Now we manage to
go a bit further (though the return instruction has been removed, so this still
makes sense) to 0xD0. I must check and see whether the 0xCC-0xCF instructions
can actually be handled (but I don't think this should be possible). There are
few enough instructions here to check their binary form and see if they could be
valid ARM instructions (if we've not actually gone into Java mode at all) and
therefore the segfault is really happening.


Out of interest, try using the char array again plus the code from jalimo3 above
(with the padded bytecodes):

codepos is bed13680

1: x/i $pc  0x8418 <main+104>:  bxj     r0
(gdb) info registers
r0             0xbed13680       -1093585280
r1             0x0      0
r2             0x0      0
r3             0x0      0
r4             0x0      0
r5             0x0      0
r6             0x0      0
r7             0x0      0
r8             0x0      0
r9             0x0      0
r10            0x0      0
r11            0x0      0
r12            0x0      0
sp             0x0      0
lr             0x0      0
pc             0x8418   33816
fps            0x1001000        16781312
cpsr           0x60000010       1610612752

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xbed1368c in ?? ()
Disabling display 1 to avoid infinite recursion.
1: x/i $pc  Cannot access memory at address 0x0
0xbed1368c:     ldrleb  sp, [r3], #721
(gdb) info registers
r0             0x0      0
r1             0x0      0
r2             0x0      0
r3             0x0      0
r4             0x0      0
r5             0x0      0
r6             0x0      0
r7             0x0      0
r8             0x0      0
r9             0x0      0
r10            0x0      0
r11            0x0      0
r12            0xbed13690       -1093585264
sp             0x0      0
lr             0x0      0
pc             0xbed1368c       -1093585268
fps            0x1001000        16781312
cpsr           0x60000010       1610612752

Different faulting instruction.
PC moved: 0xbed1368c-0xbed13680 = 12 bytes = 3 ints


I've not done much more analysis, but I thought I'd share and see if anyone has
any bright ideas. It would be good to be sure that we actually enter Java mode
(gdb can't follow the train of execution which makes me think this is the

Things to check - look at whether the bytecodes form valid ARM instructions to
determine whether BXJ could simply be branching in ARM mode (what would gdb do
in this case, as it doesn't seem to be able to follow these instructions, but
perhaps this is a problem with the code's handling of BXJ. I have been using
"si" rather than "ni" at the BXJ instruction which should step into the code, I

Assuming the bytecodes don't form valid ARM instructions, and therefore are
being handled by the Jazelle hardware (which automatically tells us that we
don't need to enable Jazelle mode manually), why do we get the particular errors
(segfaults) at the end? Is this because we've accidentally set one of the
registers to point to code that should be the handler, but is actually the ARM
exception vector (as we've set all the registers to #0)?

This is possible to test, by setting all of the registers to something else
(like a real handler) and see what happens:


All registers pointing to a handler that simply sets all the registers to #10,
then exits the loop:

codepos is bef9d680

1: x/i $pc  0x8418 <main+104>:  bxj     r0
(gdb) info registers
r0             0xbef9d680       -1090922880
r1             0x8424   33828
r2             0x8424   33828
r3             0x8424   33828
r4             0x8424   33828
r5             0x8424   33828
r6             0x8424   33828
r7             0x8424   33828
r8             0x8424   33828
r9             0x8424   33828
r10            0x8424   33828
r11            0x8424   33828
r12            0x8424   33828
sp             0x8424   33828
lr             0x8424   33828
pc             0x8418   33816
fps            0x1001000        16781312
cpsr           0x60000010       1610612752

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xe3a0a008 in ?? ()
Disabling display 1 to avoid infinite recursion.
1: x/i $pc  0xe3a0a008: Cannot access memory at address 0xe3a0a008
(gdb) info registers
r0             0xe3a0100a       -476049398
r1             0x8424   33828
r2             0xe3a0200a       -476045302
r3             0x86f5   34549
r4             0xe3a0300a       -476041206
r5             0x8424   33828
r6             0xe3a0400a       -476037110
r7             0xe3a0500a       -476033014
r8             0x8424   33828
r9             0xe3a0600a       -476028918
r10            0xe3a0700a       -476024822
r11            0x8424   33828
r12            0xe3a0800a       -476020726
sp             0xa      10
lr             0xe3a0900a       -476016630
pc             0xe3a0a008       -476012536
fps            0x1001000        16781312
cpsr           0x60000010       1610612752

So no, this hasn't worked. It's possible that this may be because we're calling
BXJ with the address of the bytecodes in the wrong register?

I've not looked at these results further, though the PC seems to have moved a
long way:

PC = 0xe3a0a008 - 0xbef9d680 = 614910344 bytes. How does the memory space work?

It's also interesting to see how the registers have changed.

Curiously, if you try running this program outside of gdb, you get a different

Nokia-N800-26:/home/user# ./jalimo5.bin
codepos is beaba6b0
Illegal instruction

Right, that's about all from me, I need to have a sit down and think about where
to go now, and what else there is to test. If anyone has any bright ideas or
comments, please share them,

Best regards,


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