Austin Che wrote:

> Creating the mpd user manually should let you run it. I would edit
> /etc/mpd.conf and uncomment the libao section. I was getting
> segfaults with alsa output while ao output worked fine.

I find that uncommenting any of the audio output sections seems to do the
trick.  I have the ALSA section uncommented now.

mpd is running now (according to ps), but I still can't get it to index any
sound files.  I stuck a symbolic link in /var/lib/mpd/music to the
directory containing my soundfiles (ogg).  I run mpd --create-db.  The only
output I get is:

current locale is "C"
setting filesystem charset to ISO-8859-1

The files in /var/log/mpd are empty.  Everything is owned by user mpd and
mpd has permission to read and write.  I must have missed an important
step.  Any idea?
Jeffrey Barish

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