
I'm relatively new to this and looking to use threads. I have included 
pthread.h and using the cs2005q3.2-glibc2.5-arm toolchain. The following code 
won't compile, I get the following error:

main.o: In function `main':/home/ikey/bob/fred/main.c:679: undefined reference 
to `pthread_create'
:/home/ikey/bob/fred/main.c:680: undefined reference to `pthread_create'
:/home/ikey/bob/fred/main.c:683: undefined reference to `pthread_join'
:/home/ikey/bob/fred/main.c:684: undefined reference to `pthread_join'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [bob] Error 1

// threads
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // thread stuff
    pthread_t ctrl_t ;
    pthread_t supv_t ;
      /* Create resources and threads */
    pthread_mutex_init (&mutex, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init (&cond, NULL);
    err = pthread_create (&ctrl_t, NULL, ctrl_loop, &r1) ;
    err = pthread_create (&supv_t, NULL, supv_loop, &r2) ;
    /* Wait for both threads to finish */
    pthread_join (ctrl_t, NULL) ;
    pthread_join (supv_t, NULL) ;

Have I done anything stupid? Can you not do this with N800, if not, how do you 
do threads?


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