Neil Jerram wrote:
> It also reveals a cultural or management failing at Nokia.  Such steps
> (making correct source available) should be properly planned into the
> development process.  Once you do that, you'll find that they don't
> actually take any significant time.

Yes it may be cultural difference. Can you imagine Red Hat or Novell or 
any other Linux distributor releasing their next big version, giving you 
binary ISOs and informing you with straight face that ISOs with srpm 
packages will be available sometime in future when people get back from 
vacation? How it could be that what is inconceivable with linux 
distributions on PCs is possible with linux distribution on Nokia 
tablets? Looks like since this thread
more that 2 years ago nothing really changed in this matter.

Also one correction, the old thread I mentioned before was not last time 
it was discussed. Here is at least another one

Well, enough from me in this topic. Let's move on.

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