On Feb 5, 2008 3:28 PM, Fred Labrosse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I'm fairly new to maemo development (but not to C/C++) and am starting an
> application for my N800.
> I need to use TCP sockets and was wondering if there was any high level
> library to do that.  I saw references to SDL_net for maemo 2, but not maemo 4
> (and indeed, it is not installed on my nokia or in the devel environment).
> Would anybody have anything to suggest?

There's also libsoup which although it's meant for HTTP stuff there's
also an Socket class:

It's going to be on the next GNOME release.

And GIO which will be included in the next GLib's release.
Documentation is not online AFAIK.

Best regards.

Felipe Contreras
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