On Fri, 2008-04-25 at 17:36 +0200, Niels Breet wrote:
> Hi all,
> A while ago we discussed the idea of an autobuilder for the extras
> repository. [1] We

"We" is Nokia/Maemo, right?

>  have been working on creating such an autobuilder and
> have been testing it in private. As a result we now think it is time to
> do a tests with a larger group and make it publicly known.

I love you.

>  Please give
> it a try and tell us your results.
> - What does the autobuilder do?
> The autobuilder takes a source package from the incoming queue and tries
> to build it in a fresh environment. The builder fetches all dependencies
> from the extras-devel repository. If it can't find the dependency in
> extras-devel, it will fail and send a mail to the extras-cauldron-builds
> list. [2]
> If there are no problems with the package, the builder can create armel,
> i368 and source packages. Those will be put in the extras-devel
> repository after a successful build.
> Instructions for the builder can be found at here[3].
> The builder only handles building one package at a time. If you have
> dependencies that are not present in the extras-devel repository, please
> upload these first.
> - web-based assistant
> We have also created a web-based assistant[4] to help you with requesting
> rights to upload and creating/uploading of source packages. You can upload
> packages to the builder with either dput or the assistant.
> - How do I get my package into extras?
> After a successful build a package will appear in the extras-devel
> repository. You can move your packages from extras-devel to extras with
> the promotion interface[5]. Instructions for the promotion interface
> can be found here.[6]
> We would like to invite all developers to take a look at the autobuilder
> and promotion interface and try it out. Please discuss problems and
> feature requests on the maemo-developers list.[7]
> More information about our effort can be found at the extras-cauldron
> website[8].
> - Niels
> [1]
> http://lists.maemo.org/pipermail//maemo-developers/2007-November/thread.html#12600
> and others.
> [2] https://garage.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/extras-cauldron-builds
> [3] http://extras-cauldron.garage.maemo.org/HOWTO.html
> [4] https://garage.maemo.org/extras-assistant/index.php
> [5] https://garage.maemo.org/promoter-beta/interface.py
> [6] http://extras-cauldron.garage.maemo.org/devel-mover.html
> [7] https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers
> [8] http://extras-cauldron.garage.maemo.org/
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