Hej hej!

Currently Maemo Bugzilla is used as a bug tracking system for the "core"
software elements shipped in the Maemo platform (to define the term
"Maemo" itself, see the discussion at [1]. This includes both Open
source and Closed source components *preinstalled* on the devices by
Nokia. Obviously this does not include stuff like Skype or Rhapsody -
they have their own bugtrackers.

And there is Garage Tracker at [2]. It is the bugtracking system for
all those products based on the Maemo stack, but not preinstalled on the
devices by Nokia.

In my opinion and in the long run, Garage tracker should die. Maemo
Bugzilla shall be the main bugtracking place for all products based on
the Maemo stack. I just didn't like working in Garage Tracker (have to
admit that I just took some quick looks to synchronize the status of
reports that were duplicated in Maemo Bugzilla). It reminded me a lot of
that awful bug tracker that Sourceforge provided when I had a small
software project hosted over there, but it may be only my personal
opinion that Bugzilla is easier and better to handle than Tracker is.

So I wonder: Are Garage project maintainers happy with Garage tracker?
Would they be interested to track their bugs in Maemo Bugzilla instead?
My (not even reasonible or founded) dislike of the Garage Tracker is
entirely my personal opinion after working with several bug trackers in
the past. I want your opinions - It does not make sense to think about
this too much if everybody is fine with Garage Tracker. ;-)

And which projects should be handled in Maemo Bugzilla? Keep it in the
current state, as described at the beginning? Open it up for everybody
interested in using Maemo Bugzilla to keep track of issues in his/her
Maemo based software?

The latter one would bring up the next question that Quim raised in the
famous bug 630 [3]: Are then the apps preinstalled in a device, »maemo
compatible applications«, a different layer sitting on top of the maemo
software platform? Stuff to think about...


PS: Also posted this to Internettablettalk.com and to the Planet. Let's
see if I can manage to streamline the feedback. :-P

[1] http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Maemo_brand
[2] https://garage.maemo.org/tracker/
[3] https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=630#c20

Andre Klapper (maemo.org bugmaster)

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