
ext Graham Cobb wrote:
> I have just installed the latest Debian lenny upgrades on one of my systems, 
> which installed a new linux kernel, and scratchbox has broken!  This appears 
> to be the (well known) VDSO problem but the workround I found using Google 
> (echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/vdso_enabled) does not work (that file does not 
> exist), neither does vdso=0 (or 2) on the boot command line.  I presume the 
> problem is that Debian has decided to change this feature even though it 
> breaks user programs.
> This is a real pain.  I build 40 packages every night for chinook, bora and 
> gregale, which, as you can guess, requires a fairly complex build 
> environment.    Currently the builds use either chroot or user-mode-linux 
> environments which give reasonable speed (but builds still take up to 6 
> hours!) but use the host system's kernel.  I really do not want to go back to 
> an emulation environment, just so that I can run a separate kernel, because 
> that gives poor reliability and **much** slower builds -- builds will likely 
> take 24 hours.  It also means I cannot compile modules for testing in my 
> normal build environment.

I noticed you filed a bug about this both for maemo:

And Debian:


There was a further comment about this issue in bug:
Do you have compat vdso support compiled in your kernel?

My guess would be that the linux-image-2.6.25-2-amd64 doesn't have that
support compiled in, thus using exclusively the randomized vdso which is
unsupported by the old glibc inside scratchbox.

> Does anyone know when scratchbox and the SDK environments will be fixed to 
> work with up to date Debian kernels?  Note that, if the Maemo community want 
> programs like GPE to continue to be maintained for the 770 user community 
> then these fixes have to also apply to gregale (and bora for N800 users who 
> have never upgraded).

My hopes are on the SDK+ project:

It should already work fairly OK for building ARMEL packages,
but currently it's tested/supports only Ubuntu Gutsy & Hardy.

> In the immediate term I will go back to using the previous kernel but these 
> systems are my normal user and development machines so I can't live with out 
> of date kernels for long.  I can also build my own kernel but I do want to 
> return to using stock Debian kernels as soon as I can.

        - Eero

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