
ext Frantisek Dufka wrote:
> Tried it just to verify the bug and now I have another mystery :-) I am 
> no expert on font sizes and units but from the information on the net it 
> looks like there are two main units - pixels and points. Point is 1/72 
> inches so 1 pixel = 1 point at 72 dpi. At 96dpi (our tablet or any MS 
> Windows OS in normal configuration) 1 point is 1.33 (or 4/3) pixels so 
> 12 points = 16 pixels. On tablet this should produce 480/16=30 lines. 
> The mystery is that Dejavu font at 12 points gives me only 25 lines + 
> some tiny space like 2 pixels. And same happens for Courier New copied 
> from Windows. This would mean pixel height for those fonts is slightly 
> more than 480/25=19.2, why?.

I think the font point size of a font most often(?) means the size
between font ascender and descender, not the full line height.
This is up to font designer though...

        - Eero
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