
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:42:07 +0400, Andrew Zabolotny wrote:
> The idea is that a kernel module source package will Build-Depend: on
> the kernel-dev package, and then do something like:
> make -C /lib/modules/$(KVER)/build M=$(CURDIR)/my_driver
> uname -r
> []

Yeah, I wonder whether the correct fix is to put into the Makefile:
  KVER ?= $(shell uname -r)
so that it is setable from outside:
  $ KVER=foobar make
or instead to provide an executable "uname" in Scratchbox which returns:
  $ uname -r

> I found that somehow I got the
> kernel-diablo-modules package installed in my scratchbox environment,
> and it contains a link /lib/modules/current which contains a link to
> /lib/modules/$(KVER), so you could do just 'make -C
> /lib/modules/current/build' instead.

Yeah, although the "/lib/modules/current/build" and "/lib/modules/current/
source" links don't exist yet. Or are they in some source package?

Also, the tree "/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/" looks weird in this way: The 
kernel module executable images are at toplevel without any 
subdirectories (even without the "kernel/" subdirectory). Was that 


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