Hi there !

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 02:13:34PM +0100, Simon Pickering wrote:
> >http://sayhoo.garage.maemo.org/
> >
> >It works but it eats too much memory.
> Thanks, I'll take a look at that - is it because it stores the data in  
> memory rather than using a db?

It stores the data in memory (to be able to find a route) _and_ it uses
a database (to find tags information such as way names and bike
station). I hope the memory usage could be lowered if everything that is
map related was done in C (this is what i plan to test next).

> Navit is supposed to be able to do general routing (beyond a single  
> city which is stated as a limitation of Pyroute due to memory reqs.  

I did not hear from navit untill now. It looks really cool. I think i
ll have a closer look at that (once i ll realise the current approach i
have is not good, i really want to see how much memory i could save if
sayhoo graph and routing were in C :-) )

> see http://almien.co.uk/OSM/Routing/), so looking at/transplanting  
> that code might be a starting point (and it does rendering too).
> Those graphs on the link above look cool :)

This is pyroute/pyrender (or what it used to be before it was called
pyroute/pyrender). It is when i saw this that i decided to give it a
try, and ended up using most idea in it to write sayhoo (the main
difference being that i wanted to use sqlite and not parse xml all the

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