Hi Kevin,

You are touching topics related with ongoing tasks at
http://wiki.maemo.org/100Days/Sprint5 . Thanks for your input and please
keep it going, here or in the related wiki pages I'm linking below.

ext Kevin Verma wrote:
> I feel a roadmap rather than bold statement and talks in this context
> would assure community more to stick to Nokia hardware than to stick
> it out of Window.

http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Maemo_public_roadmapping_process - don't miss
the discussion page.

Now it's an interesting time because last week most of the Fremantle
release roadmap was disclosed through several announcements. However, we
still need to put this in a single page and call it Roadmap.

Also we need an agreed process to keep the roadmap up to date. The
principle of sharing the vision and disclosing release content with a
special emphasis on the open source components is clear - see the slide
5 at http://flors.wordpress.com/2008/09/20/how-maemo-approaches-open-source/

>> If you have any specific modules you'd like to see opened, that's the
>> right place to ask (and ideally explain why).

In fact "Process to request a closed source package to be open -
GeneralAntilles" is still a task in the backlog. I'd be happy to see it
being pushed for the next sprint and nobody is stopping you to start
helping out now.

Until now the requests have been submitted mostly via feature requests
at http://bugs.maemo.org

> Battery driver for now is what I'd like to see opened, if I have to
> really explain to Nokia like I have to plead I'd say maybe I'll like
> to bump up kernel version or perhaps like to try something else than
> ITOS all-togather , maybe a community spin of Maemo (unsupported by
> Nokia)
> That sounds good ?

Last week it was announced that DSME will go open source, and one of
these days the code should hit http://garage.maemo.org . Have a look to
that project, hopefully you will get what you need. If not, let's talk
in more detail.

I'm currently working on a related task, "Explanation of the reasons why
the closed source packages are closed". Currently I'm drafting the
general reasons why (I hope to have the draft in the wiki at the end of
today). Then we will go case by case and explain which of the generic
reasons apply to a specific package.

This way all requests for opening components with a rationale behind
will get either a YES or a NO BECAUSE.

> What is Nokia strategy to avoid getting in IP which is based on
> restrictive patents ?

Having a full IPR team checking all the features and code supported
officially in any Nokia product and evaluating risks.

> Does Nokia have plans to provide any cover to its community for
> collaboration of its patented technology ?

I'm not sure I understand your question.

> Is Nokia shipping hardware that needs binary bits for some kind of
> lock-in to it users ?

Maemo and the Nokia Internet Tablets have no lock-in "feature".

Quim Gil
marketing manager, open source
Maemo Software @ Nokia
maemo-developers mailing list

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