On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 6:19 PM, Jeffrey Barish
> Lauro Moura wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 1:36 AM, Jeffrey Barish
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> When is PyGTK going to be upgraded to 2.12?  gtk.CellLayout has 7 methods
>>> that all require the cellrenderer.  gtk.ComboBoxEntry creates and packs
>>> the cellrenderer automatically, so without the get_cells method there
>>> doesn't appear to be a way to use any of those methods nor to change
>>> attributes of
>>> the cellrenderer.  get_cells is available only in PyGTK version >= 2.12.
>>> I've been waiting since April for the upgrade.
>> Jeffrey, PyGtk 2.12 is available in Diablo extras since early July[1]
>> and in chinook since last october[2], but maybe these functions aren't
>> exported. Could you provide a more detailed list of these functions?
>> [1] http://repository.maemo.org/extras/pool/diablo/free/p/python-gtk2/
>> [2] http://repository.maemo.org/extras/pool/chinook/free/p/python-gtk2/
> First, I learned a better way to get version information.  Here's what I
> have:
> gtk.gtk_version = 2.10.12
> gtk.pygtk_version = 2.12.1
> It appears that the implementation of gtk.CellLayout is incomplete:
> import gtk
> c = gtk.CellLayout()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> NotImplementedError: gtk.CellLayout can not be constructed
> According to the documentation, CellLayout has been available since version
> 2.4 of PyGTK.
> I am actually using a ComboBoxEntry, but it inherits from CellLayout.  The 7
> methods that I mentioned are pack_start, pack_end, set_attributes,
> add_attributes, clear_attributes, set_cell_data_func, and reorder.  They
> all appear as methods of ComboBoxEntry, although they are actually supposed
> to be methods of CellLayout.  The one method of CellLayout that is missing
> from ComboBoxEntry is get_cells.  My point in the previous message was that
> the 7 extant methods of CellLayout all require a cell as an argument.
> Normally, one would get the cell by calling get_cells, but get_cells is not
> extant.  Although CellLayout has supposedly been available since version
> 2.4, get_cells has been available only since 2.12.  I mistakenly believed
> that I had version 2.10 of PyGTK, hence my eagerness for version 2.12.
> However, assuming that gtk.pygtk_version is the reliable way to get the
> version of PyGTK, it seems that I do, in fact, have version 2.12 already.
> Accordingly, it seems that get_cells should be available.

After looking the gtk headers and GTK docs, get_cells is available
only in GTK 2.12 and upper, while the GTK+ provided in maemo is 2.10.
So, pygtk checks for it but as it can't be found, bypasses it.

Lauro Moura
INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia
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