I successfully managed to get maemo-mapper run on scratch box. I'd like 
to share this experience so that it is useful to others. Any suggestion 
and comment are welcomed, too.
First, install  Maemo SDK VMWare Appliance, 0.8 
start the virtual machine.
add  to /scratchbox/users/maemo/targets/DIABLO_X86/etc/apt/sources.list
    deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ chinook free
    deb-src http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ chinook free
click  the maemo scratchbox Environment  icon on desktop.
sbox-DIABLO_x86>apt-get update
sbox-DIABLO_x86>af-sb-init.sh start
    (Opening a new window seems very slow but it will show up correctly 
if given enough time)
sbox-DIABLO_x86>apt-get install maemo-mapper
    (this is the trick to install an application hosted in repository. 
Using maemo-mapper as an example, there are many releases, I do not know 
which one to use. I let the apt-get to select the correct one and 
resolve the dependency)
sbox-DIABLO_x86>run-standalone.sh /usr/bin/maemo-mapper
    (remember opening new window is slow.  When maemo-mapper is used 
first time, it will open several dialogs for configuration. The start 
process will be slow.

I am trying to use the maemo-mapper in scratchbox to download map and 
transfer them to tablet.

I tried my own SDK installation instead of VMWare appliance with the 
above procedure. The maemo-mapper started properly. But it can not 
download map.


jason zhang wrote:
> Hi, all
> I installed maemo mapper to my tablet. It is too difficult to 
> pre-fetch big map. The downloading dialog often stops halfway. Can I 
> run mameo mapper in the scratchbox+maemo sdk, download the map and 
> transfer the map to my tablet? If this is doable,  how can I install 
> maemo  mapper to one of my target :  DIABLO_X86?
> thanks
> -jason

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