> I am interested in working for maemo in this year's Gsoc. I am in
> particular interested in the idea 'Barcode Scanner' listed on maemo's
> idea page for  this year's Gsoc. I have quite a lot of experience in
> Python and hope to use the same for the development purpose.

Dunno about GSoC, but take a look here:  

In C though I'm afraid.

hacky binary here: http://people.bath.ac.uk/enpsgp/nokia770/maemo-barcode/

I've been developing this (slowly) from the test code a group of us  
put together last year to test 1D barcode recognition (and others -  
QR, dtmx, etc.).

I've been very slow as I've had little time and have also needed to  
learn the wonders of SQLite and GTK+ (~lart listboxes). The code is  
pretty messy, but hopefully the idea is clear: Barcode scanner, with  
web-lookups and various lists into which the barcodes and their  
web-looed-up data can be saved (e.g. DVDs I own, DVDs I'd like, etc.).  
My driving force was the fact that I have lots and lots of books, and  
can never remember which ones of a series I still need.

I was hoping to get this all cleaned up far more before putting it out  
for public consumption, but all the talk of GSoC made me realise  
there's little point in people re-doing the bits I've already done  
(though some may vote to wipe the slate clean of course ;)).

I'd be more than happy to have some help to speed up cleaning things  
up and getting everything working (for example I've just noticed that  
my data view doesn't currently update when you add a new record,  
search dialog is currently un-implemented, probably lots of bugs in  
the GUI actually, same for the database code too I imagine),  
web-scraping functions are currently stubs, the GStreamer output  
wasn't bring displayed when the analysis loop is running (loop too  
tight?), etc.

Apologies for unleashing this mess on the world! ;)



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