On Wednesday 26 August 2009 12:00:50 Anderson Lizardo wrote:
> Well, we had the same problem so we produced a modified version that
> is built using sbox's host-g++/host-gcc. This allows to use the same
> binary both in x86 and ARMEL targets, and is a lot faster on ARMEL
> (and does not segfault).

The problem with that seems to be that you can't predict what the host is.  
For example, I use both 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.  And there have, in the 
past, been libc version problems between different linux distributions.

> The "catch" is that, given that the binary is actually compiled for
> x86, it will not run if installed on the device. It will only work on
> Scratchbox.

I'm not keen on having a host binary in a package in extras-devel.  If we have 
to go down this route I think we need to find a different repository for this 
hacked cmake to live in.

> So I ask other developers using cmake (I suppose there are not that
> many, otherwise the problem would be reported sooner, given that cmake
> + fremantle + ARMEL always segfaults): is it acceptable for you?

I don't think there are many packages using cmake, but I think there are a 

There are two big problems I see:

1) There is not one host to build this for but several.  And it has to be kept 
up to date or else we suddenly can't build some packages.

2) We also have to make it work in the autobuilder (how do you deal with that 
problem today?).

> Note that this is in fact a qemu bug, but doing the compilation with
> host-gcc/host-g++ did the trick and is easier than debugging qemu.

Thanks for finding out the problem is in qemu.

> If others agree, I can produce a patch against the latest version in
> fremantle-extras devel and upload a new version for cmake.

Could there be some way to use the actual host cmake instead of a special 
package?  That would get round the problem of having to have different 
packages for different hosts.  If so, maybe the package could set up the 
magic needed to invoke the host's cmake.

Alternatively, any chance we could persuade the scratchbox developers to build 
scratchbox cmake packages along with the rest of scratchbox?  They could then 
be provided along with the scratchbox packages for each different 

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