
> Finally, it may be nice if Nokia may donate some devices to FSO and
> OpenEmbedded core team, any interest/chance about that?

We will start talking soon about the N900 device program.

In the meantime, having members of these projects involved and with
concrete ideas will help. Being active in the maemo.org Extras is one
way but it might be difficult for such projects going beyond application
development and actually needing some hardware to get things done with
certain guarantees.

An interesting approach would be to have members of these projects
submitting proposals to the Maemo Summit. It's a way to have a name
linked to a concrete purpose.

Feel free forwarding your proposal (or remaking your own) to your
preferred developers involved in these projects. Thanks!

PS: about the topic of the thread, please bear with us while we are in
this weeks of launch, final release and sales start. It will be much
easier to analyze how open, relicensings, replacements etc once Maemo 5
and the N900 is shipped and the community has got the chance to see all
the release code and how it works in a real device.

Quim Gil
open source advocate
Maemo Devices @ Nokia
maemo-developers mailing list

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