Re-post made at - please
reply there if you are interested in order to track the feedback in one

Hi, an idea we are cooking these days:

Maemo community developers and user experience professionals meet 3 days
with 3 main goals:

- Improve the usability and visual appeal of great Maemo apps.

- Improve the UX documentation for Maemo developers.

- Get a critical mass of people interested in pushing forward UX meets
Code activities online and face to face.

Idea: December 4-6, Barcelona. About 50 people invited.

We are lining up the right UX professionals from the Maemo team, Forum
Nokia and developer partners.

Who is interested?

Please provide in this thread

- Your profile making sure that there one can find info about
or links to your current projects and your interests in Code or UX.

- If you are more into Code, a link to the app hosted in,
either under Fremantle packages or OS2008 Downloads.

- If you are more into UX, a link to wherever your work can be seen.

If we have a good response we will confirm the event. Forward this to
your colleagues working on great stuff!

For budgeting and also practical purposes we will keep the number of
participants around 50 people even if we get more requests. The criteria
will be defined more or less by fast response, travel costs, community
involvement and of course Maemo excellence in Code or UX.

General feedback about the hackfest itself is also welcome. We will
share here more news.

Quim Gil
open source advocate
Maemo Devices @ Nokia
maemo-developers mailing list

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