This means we should remove our manually added XB-Maemo-Icon-26 line
from our control file and let this
command do the job for us ?

Where does it expect the <package_name>.png file to be?


2009/11/10 Gabriel Schulhof <>:
> Hey, all!
> Let's hope this package doesn't duplicate some functionality too (like
> maemo-release did ... *scratch head*). So, here's the scoop.:
> debhelper-maemo-package-icons adds the command dh_maemo_package_icons,
> which you can use in the binary-arch section of debian/rules. You should
> add it right at the top of the section, and add it again with -r at the
> bottom of the section, like this:
> ...
> binary-arch: <dependencies>
>        dh_maemo_package_icons
>        ...
>        <other dh_this and dh_that lines>
>        ...
>        dh_maemo_package_icons -r
> some-other-target: <dependencies>
> ...
> This will add a XB-Maemo-Icon-26: <uuencoded icon> line to all control
> file sections where an icon file whose name is the same as that of the
> package mentioned in the section is found.
> Later, after the packages are built, running dh_maemo_package_icons -r
> will remove these lines to restore the control file.
> This package has actually been present for quite a while now, and I've
> used it for Pidgin's packages, but I never really announced it as such.
> HTH,
> Gabriel
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