On Thu, 2009-12-03 at 11:28 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> Abdul Mateen wrote:
> > I am a newbie for maemo , having extensive experience developing for
> > Android platform, I want to ask here, should I start with Qt ? or GTK+
> > or they will have the same impact, is there any difference in between
> > the two considered with maemo development, officially GTK+ is supported?
> > can we do everything with Qt we  can do with GTK+ ?
> Objectively, you should probably target Qt for new applications. You can
> develop well integrated Maemo applications with Qt, and it will be the
> default toolkit & interface from Maemo 6 onwards.

However, the published Maemo 6 Framework suggests that Maemo 6 will have
a very different API for the UI, even if it does use general Qt

So I doubt that it's very helpful to write an application for Maemo
using Qt now, other than just to learn about Qt.

I wish they'd publish the API reference online. You can build it
locally. I can't publish it because I'm afraid that the
(no-modification, no-distribution) license doesn't allow it.

These blog entries give some small idea of the new API:

> If you're primarily targeting N900 or lower, you should use GTK+ and
> Hildon, that will be better integrated.


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