[cross posted to both maemo-developers and pymaemo-developers; please
cut one of the lists if not subscribed to both]

Hi all,

The PyMaemo team is proud announce the immediate availability of
Python bindings for the Location API (used for GPS access) in Maemo 5,
provided by the "python-location" package.

The package is currently available in extras-devel, but should arrive
in extras-testing/extras once some application which depends on it is

A tutorial-like documentation is available[1] with a complete example,
based on the existing section from the Maemo 5 Developer Guide. We
also have a reference manual[2] based on the C documentation.

Feel free to report bugs and doubts to our mailing list:
https://garage.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/pymaemo-developers/ (or here
as well).

Known issues:

* The "satellites" and "cell_info" attributes of GPSDevice class are
still not available in Python.

[1] http://wiki.maemo.org/PyMaemo/Using_Location_API
[2] http://pymaemo.garage.maemo.org/python_location_manual/

Anderson Lizardo
OpenBossa Labs - INdT
Manaus - Brazil
maemo-developers mailing list

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