2009/12/16 Antonio Aloisio <antonio.aloi...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I've some problem building jam into the autobuilder for X86... and I can't
> understand where is the problem.
> I'm able to build it for both architectures on my Maemo5 SDK.
Most probably you've installed bison in your environment from
Fremantle SDK repo.
If you remove it you can reproduce the failure. In this case bison
from scratchbox (/scratchbox/tools/bin/bision) is used.

> Bison looks to work fine in ARMEL but it fails with the following error in
> X86:
> /scratchbox/tools/bin/bison: I/O error
> Complete log is here [1].
> Any hints?
Adding build dependency to bison version from sdk repo 'bison (>=
1:1.875d-1osso2)' should help.

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