Hello guys. I have a question regarding creation of custom connection
managers for N900 device.
First of all I'm a bit newbie for maemo platform so please be patient :).
What I need to do is implement a mail client which is using custom protocol
f.e. via XMPP extension and will natively integrated into maemo platform. As
I understand I should follow telepathy specification to make all things done
natively. F.e. I will need to implement connection manager, account setup
plugin for mission control, and client application which will handle
channels or so.

My question is: Where I can find specification or example of how I can
implement account setup plugin?
Only one which is related I guess is
http://maemo.org/api_refs/5.0/5.0-final/libaccounts/ but it is not
informative for me...

Second question is: Is it possible to make all parts of that project using
Qt library (f.e. using Nokia Qt SDK)?
As I understand connection manager can be written using Qt if I follow
telepathy specification using f.e. QtDBus* classes, also client side UI can
be written using Qt library.

BR, Nick
maemo-developers mailing list

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