
On 30 June 2010 16:49, Antonio Aloisio <antonio.aloi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ciao Andre',
> I mean you have to generate the Makefile on the server.
> You can add "qmake project.pro" in your debian/rules.. it will do the job.

before asking you how to properly modify the debian/rules file I want
to show you at least my directory structure.
You can find the package here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/835341/msoma.tar.gz

As you can see I copied msoma-build-maemo under scratchbox.
msoma-build-maemo is the building directory used by QtCreator (Nokia
SDK) to build msoma and create the package.
Of course I did need the sources too and as you can see I've the
msoma/ folder too, which contains all sources.

The first strange (annoying) think is that I must have the msoma.pro
both inside msoma/ and msoma-build-maemo/ folders, but this is not a
big problem for me.
I need then to run qmake on both .pro files, then I run
"dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -sa -S" to generare the sources.

Is this the right way? Should I organize sources and build directory
in a different way?

Now the question about debian/rules: in which line should I add the:
qmake msoma.pro? This is the original file:
could you please insert that line and paste it back?

Really thank you for you help :)

Andrea Grandi
email: a.grandi [AT] gmail [DOT] com
website: http://www.andreagrandi.it
PGP Key: http://www.andreagrandi.it/pgp_key.asc
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