On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 17:15 -0400, Andrew Barr wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 15:57 -0500, Ted Gould wrote:
> > - Bonjour.  I've heard (but never tried) that if a bunch of Macs are 
> > sitting around, they can find each other and IM using Bonjour.  The 
> > example relayed to me was at a conference the reporter wasn't close enough 
> > to the speaker to get a good picture.  So, he got on IM and found someone 
> > closer to send him a picture.  It would be very cool to do similar stuff, 
> > and connect to the same Macs, through the 770.
> I was going to try compiling avahi-daemon for this purpose--it makes
> addressing a device in an ad-hoc network with link-local addresses MUCH
> easier, among other things.
> The IM bits are supported by Gaim 2.0 beta releases.

Very cool.  Sounds exciting.

I think Bonjour can have other interesting solutions built on top of it.
If nothing else, finding Doom network games ;)

> > - LEAP support.  I'm not sure if Cisco allows anyone to know about LEAP, 
> > especially in an open platform.  But, it'd be nice to be able to log on to 
> > Cisco wireless.
> This has been long supported by wpa_supplicant (no thanks to Cisco
> though). Unfortunately, the Nokia IAP software is closed-source and I
> don't know if it's related to wpa_supplicant at all. You might have some
> luck with wpa_supplicant but unless the proprietary WLAN driver supports
> the latest WE extensions or the prism54 wpa_supplicant driver you're
> likely out of luck.

Okay, I'll look into it more.  It wasn't listed on the options in the
networking configuration dialog, and I didn't look further.


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