Thanks for the maemo-hackers xterm hint, this is definitly an improvment. I would just suggest to use smaller font for the CTRL bar functions to save space or to use a menu from a small CTRL icone (that will make a simple CTRL by default, as this is enough for most use) ?

Of course the dream will be to let the user configure the bar...

Marius Gedminas a écrit :
On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 09:40:20AM +0100, Jean-Christian de Rivaz wrote:

But I must say that the first thing that prevent to use the device to do programm is the lack of a good editor adatpted to it. The Note application is unusable to do code and editor in xterm are very annoying because there heavly use CTRL ou ESC that are not easly to do on the device.

The new maemo-hackers xterm has ctrl in a sidebar.  And ESC is the
hardware button just under the d-pad.

vim works exceptionally well on the 770 with the virtual keyboard,
especially with some mappings.  Here's my .vimrc:

I'm not sure if there is a vim .deb with support for mouse_xterm, syntax
highlighting and other features already.  Maddler was building one when
we talked about it on IRC last night.  For the moment I use a
self-compiled vim extracted in my home directory:

Marius Gedminas


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