On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 10:47:02AM -0400, dasDasein wrote:
> On 9/26/07, Johnny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A friend of mine has successfully built the power supply and has a USB
> keyboard working.  However, he complains that he is getting a lot of
> duplicate key strokes.  He has tried other USB keyboards

FWIW, I sometimes get duplicate keystrokes on my Nokia BT keyboard.  It seems 
to either occur or not, and I hafve not tracked down the root cause yet.  
However, I suspect it is related to high CPU usage, so your friend might want 
to check out whether the USB host mode is causing the tablet to work extra hard.

> up and bought a Nokia su-8w Bluetooth keyboard.   It works OK, but I am not
> crazy about the keyboard layout and I am still slow typing on it.  If I

This is what I use, and I spend the bulk of my time ssh'd into my server from 
my tablet.    My speed has definitely improved, and I find my typ[ing habit 
changing somewhat, for example, I'll type out numbers instead of using the 
number keys.  And my left pinky has become pretty adept at hitting the Fn key 
for switching between screens.

good luck,

In Vino Veritas

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