On Wednesday 28 November 2007 07:54:23 pm Austin Che wrote:
> > On Wednesday 28 November 2007 07:32:20 pm James Sparenberg wrote:
> >> All,
> >>
> >>
> >>    OK.  Since I installed 2008 If experienced a marked decrease
> >> in batter life.  As in total IDLE time is around 1 hour.  This
> >> is of course not good.  So I started looking and I've found that
> >> even after a reboot something called metaplayer-crawl is running
> >> my cpu constantly at around 94-98% ...However if i do something
> >> else like say hit a key on the keyboard.  It will play nice ....
> >> release cpu and then climb right back up again.  I can't kill it
> >> it comes right back at the same high levels.  In short.  my n800
> >> is all but useless because of this.
> >>
> >>   Is anyone else seeing this?
> >>
> >> James
> >
> > my bad that is metalayer not metaplayer.  sorry.
>     Ah ha. Thanks! I've been seeing the same thing all day with the
>     device being unresponsive and not much battery life. Now I
>     remember that I had disabled the bad metalayer-crawler daemon
> on os2007 as it really takes over when you have lots of media. I've
> just killed it again and the difference in usability of the
> interface is markedly increased:
>     update-rc.d -f metalayer-crawler0 remove

YOWZER.... I wasn't complaining before about the speed of the system  
But doing the above then a reboot and it's down right snappy!!

Now ... off to bug land... filing time.


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