On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 12:56:52AM +0100, Peter Flynn wrote:
> Carlos Pinto wrote:
> > Well, i know that most of you hate Flash, but flash does fit to the 
> > proper page, even it scales
> > the vector-fonts as long as they are embedded.
> > But as mentioned: most of the *nix users hate Flash, so i assume that 
> > this example is not allowed to mention *grin*
> The problem with Flash is not the technology but what it is abused for: 
> most Flash sites are simply marketing dross. Where it has a valid 
> application, such as video chat, it is unfortunately so resource-hungry 
> that while it does execute on my N800, it's so slow that a click takes 
> 3-4 mins to be responded to. That will improve as clock rates improve.

The other problem with Flash is the NDA that you have to sign to get 
access to the spec.  In particular, you have to agree not to develop a 
Flash interpreter.  The Flash interpreter everyone uses is closed 
source, not avaliable on every platform, and has bugs that have been 
exploited by email viruses.

-- hendrik
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