Tuomas Kulve wrote:
> The charger seems to mess up the numbers at least somewhat. I'll do more
> testing with powertop later.

Well, I did a quite test right away.

This is Media Player playing 192kbps VBR Ogg/Vorbis without charger:

C#      | Ratio  | Avg/dura | Frequency | Ratio
     C0 |  66.3% |          |   600 MHz |  16.5% |
     C1 |   0.0% |    3.1ms |   550 MHz |   0.0% |
     C2 |   7.4% |    3.3ms |   500 MHz |  50.6% |
     C3 |  26.3% |    7.6ms |   250 MHz |  32.9% |
     C4 |   0.0% |          |

And the same with charger:

C#      | Ratio  | Avg/dura | Frequency | Ratio
     C0 |  65.6% |          |   600 MHz |  15.8% |
     C1 |   0.0% |    0.1ms |   550 MHz |   1.3% |
     C2 |   8.8% |    2.7ms |   500 MHz |  52.7% |
     C3 |  25.7% |    7.5ms |   250 MHz |  30.2% |
     C4 |   0.0% |          |

No change there. Not sure what I did with an ealier firmware as there I
did saw a clear distinction. Maybe I just messed something else up..

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