ScottW <> wrote:
>Mine seems to crash each time it downloads or trys to process the maps.  I am 
>not Linux/n810 savy enough to submit a bug report.

Mine was crashing occasionally when downloading maps also.
One time Maemo rebooted.  That must have corrupted the database
file because after that it couldn't read/write it.  So I started
a new database and it's been fine ever since.  My database was
fairly large, 1.1G, so that might have been part of the problem.

Submitting a bug report doesn't require any Linux/n810 savy. It
more like web surfing.  Just got the garage page and create an
Then at the top, search for "maemo-mapper".
Once at the mapper page, click on "Tracker" on one of the 
menu bars.
On the tracker page, click on "Bugs" line.
Once on the bug list page, click "Submit New" at the top and
then fill in the form.

Put as much detail and information as you can.


  Mike Sherman                            <>
maemo-users mailing list

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