On Fri 13 September 2013 05:16:36 green wrote:
> Nokia N900 with SanDisk 32GB class 10 micro SD card.
> I have been using this micro SD card with kernel-power v50 for several
> months.  Suddenly the N900 reset one day, during or after a phone call
> I think.  I thought that was strange, but then noticed that, starting
> then, *every* time I tried running unison (triggers lots of IO on SD
> card), the N900 would reset.  There was also some strange filesystem
> behavior with the Debian chroot on the SD card.  dmesg contains
> messages like these (some line breaks added):
> mmcblk1: error -110 sending read/write command, \
> response 0x0, card status 0x400b00
> mmcblk1: error -110 transferring data, sector 15210519, \
> nr 1, card status 0x400b00
> end_request: I/O error, dev mmcblk1, sector 15210519
> (For some reason, it was sometimes 'mmcblk0' instead of 'mmcblk1', but
> either way the messages happened only when there is external SD card
> IO.)

mmc0 when you booted with uSD in, mmc1 when you inserted it after booting

> e2fsck (using N900 as reader) returns errors like this (line breaks
> added again):
> Error reading block 1376258 (Attempt to read block from filesystem \
> resulted in short read) while getting next inode from scan.  Ignore \
> error<y>?
> But everything works great with a SD card reader on a regular Linux
> system.
> So I tried upgrading to kernel-power v52, tried the stock kernel, and
> tried reflashing to stock everything.  Same errors.
> It seems like from
> <http://maemo.org/community/maemo-users/n900_microsd_card_i-o_errors_and_co
> rruption/> and
> <http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/maemo/users/65584#65591> that this
> error happens with the higher speed class SD cards, but has been worked
> around starting with v49 of kernel-power.  Does anyone have any idea why I
> suddenly began to experience these IO errors?

Electrical properties of MMC interfaces are not all the same. A card that 
seems to work in one reader may fail in another.
And a card that once worked fine may start to act up when the card's electrical 
properties change due to aging.
The N900 also might age, try a new card of roughly same type in N900 and see 
what results you get.


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