On 1 October 2010 10:44, Wolfgang Bornath <molc...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Which extionsion a user wants to instaall should be left to the user's
> decision. Make the install easy but do not install any extensions by
> default. I've never used those extensions, except the developper bar.
> Somebody told me to install Adblock and whatever, I did and FF became
> unstable but not one second faster.
> Maybe because I do not visit many sites with large ads and all that
> bling-bling stuff.
> Anyhow, as a rule do not add any stuff by default that the user ought
> to decide for himself, this is not Windows. We should not tell the
> user what he wants to do.

Then we shouldn't install neither firefox nor konqueror at all since
that's a choice that the user ought to decide for himself...
Installing the extension doesn't mean neither auto subscrubing nor
being unable to disable it

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