On 8 December 2010 11:39, Wolfgang Bornath <molc...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2010/12/8 Ahmad Samir <ahmadsamir3...@gmail.com>:
>> For Fedora, being the most legally-challenged distro around, they
>> don't include any patented software in their official repos at all,
>> not even mp3 playback is possible in a default install. They even
>> don't include any non-free stuff, so no nVidia and ATI proprietary
>> drivers. Fedora users use some 3rd party repos, e.g. RPM Fusion
>> http://rpmfusion.org/
> Thx, so it's the same as with Mandriva wrt patented software.
> What I wanted to say: distributing no patented software at all is not
> the same as "having no extra repository for patented software", so are
> Mandriva and Fedora seen as "justifying patent sharks" as andre999
> descibed it?
> --
> wobo

Reality has proven that some users do use patented software, coming
from a semi-official repo or a 3rd party one doesn't seem to matter;
i.e. some Mandriva users use PLF (and/or others), some Fedora they use
RPM Fusion (and/or others), some OpenSuse users use PackMan; and
Debian has a non-US repo... etc

The whole point is, it's a CYA (cover your a**) situation; just
because a law suit isn't filed doesn't mean it won't/can't be filed.

Ahmad Samir

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