Michael scherer a écrit :

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 02:26:32PM -0500, andre999 wrote:
Romain d'Alverny a écrit :

  - for packaging/shipping the distribution

Evidently easier to package.  (One less consideration.)
As well, the problem doesn't exist in France, so Mageia itself won't
be a target.

This is a over simplification.
PLF is not only for patented softwares, but also for softwares that
have others issues ( DMCA, copyright claim, etc ).
So from a packaging point of view, we would still
have a separate repository, so the consideration would
likely still exist.

As for copyrighted material, I think we should only distribute material that has a licence permitting redistribution, or for which we have special permission to redistribute.
As for other legally constrained packages, PLF is a reasonable solution.

But I don't see the utility of being worried about patent-constrained software at this point, since it hasn't, to the best of my knowledge, impacted mirrors or end-users.

BTW, industry publications here in Canada have a lot of articles about legal issues affecting software, and often discuss the situation in the U.S. On which I base much of my opinions.

  - for using it.

It doesn't seem that any individual user has been pursued for using
unauthorised patent-affected software.
So using patent-affected software is a non-issue for users.
(Unless they choose to avoid such software, of course.)

We should not only take care of individual users, companies can also use
a linux distribution. See how debian is used in many embedded product, or Fedora
for that matter.
So no, this is not a non-issue for users, because there is more than
"individual users" in the users group.

Good.  Remove "individual", and my statement still stands.

Note that there is a difference between
- using or distributing software which may use patented technology, and - developing or selling such software for a profit.

The former is little affected by patent claims in the U.S., but the latter has resulted in some spectacular cases. Like the recent case where a Texas court awarded a smalll canadian company over 200 million dollars for patent infringement claimed in Microsoft word, which Microsoft is appealing.
Note that Ms-word is not exactly free.
(It is a U.S. patent : Canada doesn't issue software patents.)

Also note that end users, be they individuals or companies, have a choice of what software they install and use.
In addition to what they integrate into their products to sell.
So they will have the opportunity to react appropriately should problems arise.

As will Mageia.

- André

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