Le 11/01/2011 00:00, Michael Scherer a écrit :
> Le lundi 10 janvier 2011 à 21:02 +0100, Farfouille a écrit :
> The part about Requires should IMHO be pushed in rpm dependency solver .
Apologize for maybe a noob question (btw I'm a noob packager waiting for his 
turn to be trained ;) )
but what do you mean by 'rpm dependency solver' ? 
Is is a tool to resolve dependencies at user installation time ?
A simple link to some kind of explaination will be a perfect answer.
> I am not sure for the requires on jpackages-utils, could we explain what
> it bring ?
I'll dig on that during my launch break
> The same goes for maven and Requires(post), postun. This should be
> detected by rpm., and we should use filetrigger.
Same noob question for filetrigger
> The part about 1%{?dist} should be adapted to use %mkrel ( as we didn't
> decide to drop it afaik ).
I'll dig on that during my launch break

Thank you for your comments


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